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Suchitoto Art Lovers Tour

New Art Lover's Tours!

History and development Suchitoto Art

Since opening Gringo Tours back in 2007 we have always included information about art and local artists in our Suchitoto City tours as much of Suchitoto history is related to it being a culturaly rich city. After years of receiving  clients who have purchased art, which now since the 2020 pandemic, El Salvador is  receiving new types of tourists who in the past for many reasons did not consider the country as desirable destination. In recent years I have had several clients who have come to Suchitoto and El Salvador to purchase art for their personal collections. This was my motivation to add specificly our new Art Lovers Tours. 

So now I have now taken the time to formalize our Art Tours not only the one we offer in Suchitoto where I have known and am friends with most of the artists but in other parts of the country like San Salvador and the Ruta de Flores. This to make suere artists are interested in haveing travelers interestd in art meet them in their studios and galleries, which in many cases opens the posibility of each artist selling their pieces to art lovers from around the world. For now I will only mention Suchitoto’s Art scene and the artists on our tour. If interested in Art tours in other parts of El Salvador just drop me an email and I will let you know our options in other parts of the country.

See more some of Suchitoto’s artistsin blog about the art and artists of Suchitoto. Art in Suchitoto

Description of Art Tour in Suchitoto

The Art lover’s tours is for those who have an interest in art and purchasing pieces from the studios and galleries. This tour as you can imagine needs to be planned with some advance notice as we want to make it possible not only to see art but to meet with the artists who created it. If you took a look at the blog article here, you will find information about some of the artists and their work but there are more.

One option is to only visit gallerias, studios and artist’s homes, spending 2 to 3 hours in the morning seeing art and talking to artists. This tour hen planned with time can include meeting Miguel Martino and visiting his home, gallery and studio, close to 60 years of art and many styles and medias explored by Miguel as an artist living in different places during his past life, now living in little Suchitoto and opening his gallery only by private tours like ours. Salvadoran Lucia Caña also opens her home, studio, gallery and I say museum to us to explore and hear about her more than 50 years’ work in art. Lucia born in Suchitoto, once again has her gallery and home here and is always open to showing her work to those with interest. Another Salvadoran artists Luis Lazo, once again is living and working in Suchitoto, his public showings like a mural in the Los Almendros Hotel as well as the stations of the cross in the basement of San Salvador´s main cathedral as well as works shown at the Art Center for Peace where Luis teaches young artist on weekends. We will also learn about the local artist Shanay, so well sold that he rarely has more than works in process in his studio, but whose art can be found around Suchitoto in many hotels, restaurants and at the tourist center Puerto San Juan on the lake. Shanay when available enjoys sharing about his work and unique style. Master Shanay as he is known in Suchitoto has also dedicated years teaching a dozen or so young men and women art several of which are today acclaimed artists as well. Some of these include his son Oscar Shanay, Garcia Aleman, Naty Pintor, Oscar Belloso. Again we can see art from these artists around town but some will be included in the tour with personal visits to their gallery/studios when possible.

Pricing and more

This tour will have the same cost of $150.00 as our Premium Suchitoto walking tour this like other tours will be the cost for 1 to 3 people and $50.00/person for 4 or more. This tour will include some of the information included in that tour as we walk from studio to studio and have similar duration of 3 hours, this can vary from group to group.

To maintain our friendships with the local artist we need about one week to make arrangements and schedule each visit.

Included in this tour:

• Transportation in vehicle with A/C (within Suchitoto)

• Bottled water(1-2 bottles/person)

• Bilingual guide

Tour Duration of Tour including transportation: 2-3 hours

Difficulty level of Tour: easy to moderate

Not Include

• Snacks and Meals

• Transportation from other parts of El Salvador

  • Lodging
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